

A Lily Among Thorns

Song of Solomon 2:2-"Like a lily among thistles is my darling among young women."

A couple of years ago at camp, we had a purity night. After Joe White gave a great speech, the girls went to the cafeteria and, among other things, we received a piece of paper with thoughts from all of the guy counselors (college age guys) about what they look for in a girl. These guys are all Christ followers, and it is very interesting to see what they look for in a girl. Honestly, it is probably much different than you would think. God has been leading me to put this on Measuring Up, so I am going to share it!

"Three things I look for in a girl (that are observed)

1. Serving- how and whom does she serve?

2. Prayer- does she seek God so much that I have to get close to God to get close to her?

3. Modesty- does she dress and act tastefully or classy in order to not cause her brothers in Christ to stumble?"

"The things that are most attractive about girls are usually contrary to what they hear guys find attractive. When a girl is modest (and by that I mean when she dresses in a way that's not revealing-including shorts that are long and shirts that cover well) that is so attractive because I know she is content in who she is and is not trying to find the approval through guys. Also, when she is humble and simply loves others in all she does shows that she has a true relationship with the Lord and has her priorities straight. Yeah, you might get some guys' attention by dressing less modestly, but that is not a healthy attention. Find who you are in Christ, not the acceptance of others. Every girl is beautiful, even if you don't feel that way. It's time. And it's likely that you'll meet someone who feels that way about your character and your appearance... and they'll be worth waiting for. I promise. That's how God designed it. P.S. Loving all people is a great thing to see in a girl too!"

"One of the most important qualities a Christian guy looks for in Christian girls are girls who are genuine. By that I mean if they are a Christian, they should live like one and encourage others in their faith. For me one of the most frustrating things is finding a girl who says they are one thing when they are actually someone completely different. Simply put, to be a Proverbs 31 woman, girls must put God before all things loving and glorifying Him in everything they do."
"A passion to disciple/love people"
"Reverence for the Word of God"
"A quiet reverent spirit"
"Verbally affirming and encouraging"
"Cares for others"
"Encourages and challenges"
"Doesn't gossip. Isn't cocky"
"Servant heart"
"Sees the best in every situation. Positive"
"Content, but not satisfied"
"Seek after the Lord more than boys"
"Confident in herself (doesn't allow the world to dictate who she is)"
"Honest with self"
"Smiles a lot"
"Gentleness in her words. Respectful"
"Listens to all advice (respects others)"
"Quick to forgive others when wronged"
"Christian actively seeking God"
"Family oriented"
"Honest in all situations, distinguishes friendship from flirting"
"Joyful. Finds her identity in Christ, not guys"
"Gets along with other girls (not drama queen)"
"Pleasant to be around, smiling, positive (Negative Nancy's aren't fun)"
"Elegant and ladylike"
"Goofy and not afraid to be stupid"
"No drama"
"Genuinely cares for those around her"
"Don't be forward (in relation to flirting)"
"Assertive (not aggressive)-this is easily mistaken- it means she is not passive but speaks about what she believes. (bold)"
"A teachable heart"
"Willingness to listen and know when to speak"
"Gentle, persevering, self-motivated"
"Genuine, integrity, mystery"
"Dress modestly (direct your beauty to your face)"
"Doesn't seek attention with clothes"
"Good moral values"
"Loyal/Modesty/Humility/Loving others"
God has a perfect plan for your life-including marriage. He probably has a guy out there right now who will want to marry you someday, and you may know him right now, or you may not. Throughout your life, keep this in mind: A true Christian guy looks for a modest, encouraging, serving, loving, respectful, and God-centered girl to be friends with and date. If you start to like a guy who is interested in you for other reasons than these- kick him to the curb! He is not the guy that God has planned for you, and he will never be nearly as good.
Song of Solomon 8:4-"Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right."
Proverbs 31:30-"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."
Keep Measuring up! You are loved.
-Jenna Hampton
with quotes from Christian guys and lots of thought and guidance from God :)