

Guard What You Hear

2 Timothy 1:13-"Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus."

Guarding what you hear is pretty much the same concept as guarding what you see. Here is some advice- If you don't want to hear foul language all the time, don't hang around with people who cuss. If you don't want to be thinking terrible thoughts all the time, don't listen to bad radio stations. If you don't want to have break-up, make-up, and crazy party lyrics stuck in your head, then choose your music wisely.

Maybe you are thinking, what I listen to doesn't really matter. I can still uphold my values if I listen to some bad music every once in a while. Get a load of these facts:

"1. All your actions, decisions, and attitudes begin in your mind.

2. Your mind is susceptible to manipulation by almost any attractive outside source.

3. The 10 billion cells of your brain are like tiny rooms that capture (whether you want them to or not) every sight and sound (especially when connected with music) you'll ever see and hear.

4. Your subconscious mind absorbs thoughts even when your conscious mind doesn't ask it to.

5. And finally, you become what you think about. Or as Proverbs says, 'For as he thinks within himself, so he is.' (Proverbs 23:7)" -From Pure Excitement by Joe White

Things you hear turn into thoughts, and thoughts turn into actions. So be careful! Examine the things you listen to today, and think about whether you should be more careful about what you hear. If God wouldn't approve, just click it off! A good radio station in OKC and Edmond is Air One on 90.9 F.M. You can also listen to it in other states online at

I know that sometimes it's hard to stop old habits (such as the movies you watch or the artists you listen to) but pray about it! Through Christ, you can do all things. Take it one step at a time, and eventually you will be closer to measuring up to God's standards.

-Jenna Hampton
with Love, and Joe White