

Woman Who Fears The Lord

Proverbs 31:30- "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a WOMAN WHO FEARS THE LORD will be greatly praised."

The third part of this verse is about fearing the Lord. You may be thinking, What??!! The Lord is not scary. God is not one of my biggest fears... but the fear that this verse is speaking of is not the same as the fear you get from a roller coaster or from seeing a spider.

1. A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition or being afraid.
2. Concern or anxiety.
3. Reverentail awe, esp. toward God.

Even the dictionary knows that the fear of God is different from the fear of evil or pain, but it can have some of the same results.

Since God is our heavenly Father, our fear of Him relates to the fear of our earthy father. Since we know that he is in authority over us, we obey him out of fear of what will happen if we don't, and out of respect.

After you watch a scary movie, you probably pay a lot more attention to the things around you, and make sure you sleep with the light on for awhile! It's the same thing with God. If you fear him (respect him), than you will pay a lot more attention to what he's saying to you and the things he wants you to know. On a rollercoaster, you notice every breath you take. Life as a Christian should be like that. We should notice every single blessing and every day that God gives us and thank him for it.

"Anytime you see the word 'fear' pertaining to the FATHER, it means being in awe of him and his majesty. (or) To Fear the Lord, ... Means to Worship the Most High, to Obey His Commands, to respect Him as a Father .. and Have no Gods Before Him." -Found by Karlie Klimes

Bottom line is, to be a woman who fears the Lord, you have to know him, see him, be in awe of him, respect him, and obey him. The God that has made lightning and thunder has also made you. Nothing is impossible with fear of the Lord.

Proverbs 9:10- "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgement."

-Jenna Hampton
with Karlie Klimes

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