

Intro to Measuring Up

Measuring Up is a blog to encourage Christian girls to strive to meet God's standard, even though we never will. *Romans 3:23-"For all have sinned and fallen short of God's glorious standard."
Our world says so many things about teenage girls, and expects them to act a certain way. I believe that God's way is much different and much better. For the next few months, I will be posting on this blog some things that God has shown me and ways that we can all take a stand to shine for Christ.
You CAN make a difference, and people WILL listen to you. If you have any ideas or questions about this blog, please e-mail me at
My first post will be on 2/19/10. Please read it!
-Jenna Hampton


  1. This is such a great idea Jenna! I love you and miss you. Hope your doing well! :)

  2. THis is such a great idea Jenna! I love and miss you and hope you are doing well! :)

  3. What has been such a challenge to me and really surprises me often is, If I act totally in love and do the right thing to others even if they don't deserve it. Well I am often persicuted for that by this world. But then I am reminded that we persicuted Christ also for doing what was "perfact". So, still I must try to do what He has left me with "the 11th commandment" Love one another as I have loved you. I want to be a "soul winner" nothing else matters. So I will take the persicution. "Blessed are the persicuted for Christ" And, I say Have mercy on us Lord and Come Quick. Be our King. Lead us!!

  4. oh my dear Jenna!!! you are such a sweaty poo!!!! hahaha... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
    and this is such a kool idea!!! i cant wait till it blossoms and everyone really gets into it... id love to hear more about all this and we definetly need to catch up!!
    ...also... what if we put on a bible verse like once a week and everyone can see them and post like how they lived for christ that week (it reminds them to live for christ every day cuz i know i need a reminder sometimes and i would think every one could use one too) :)
    love ya... lets talk some more!! :)

  5. Hi Jenna girl! I am so proud of you for taking a stand for what is right and for striving for the best you can be for Christ. Please keep up the good work, as I know that you will. You are a special daughter and you are very loved! Jenna, I wish I had your energy and drive, you are amazing! Love, Mom

  6. Jenna you are awesom! Im so happy that you posted this. Living in Edmond, its so hard to fit in and to look "in", But you posted this saying you dont have to look in, all that matters is that you pure and that you are beautiful in God's eyes:) you ROCK love you! -Gillian:)
